Professor Fortier's Introduction to Philosophical and Humanistic Thinking


The Resources page is provides supplemental materials related to our class.

Guttman’s Academic Calendar tellsĀ  when the semester starts and finishes, what days we do and do not have class, the Culminating Course Experience Schedule, and many other useful dates for the academic year.

Excelsior University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a great resource for learning the correct format for papers and citations.

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy can be an overwhelming resource, but it can also help provide further information for some of the texts we will be discussing.

The Guttman College Library is an amazing resource for any of your classes. The library staff is ready to help with any research projects. The online databases offer access to a wide range of materials, and the research guides can help you dive deeper into many different topics.

CUNY Arts Special Access allows CUNY students, faculty, and staff free access to many of NYC’s museums and cultural institutions.

New York Times and Wall Street Journal Academic Pass! As CUNY students, faculty, or staff you get free access to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. Both are reputable news outlets and great resources for news and information.

  • The Stone is a forum where philosophers and other thinkers discussion “issues both timely and timeless.”
  • The Ethicist is a column where Kwame Anthony Appiah attempts to help people think through ethical dilemmas. Some are funny, some interesting, and some extremely frustrating.